Christmas at the Jasper house was very fun this year, because the boys were so excited about Christmas! It was so great to see there faces as they opened their presents, though they got so much stuff, mommy had to give a lot of stuff away, I think they are a bit spoiled.
We have found out a few things with Hudson this past week. Every year Hudson has to go down and have a check up with his genetic doctor downtown at Texas Children's. My mom and I took him down last Monday, I expressed concern that I didn't think that he was growing very much, the doctor thought the same, and had us go and have another skeletal survey done. Hudson didn't seem to like that too much so after having about thirty x-rays, he was very excited to get his usual bagel at the hospital and go home. Last Wednesday I called down to see if they found any information on his x-rays, and they have now diagnosed him with sponeyloepiphyseal a skeletal dyspepsia, (SEDC) which is a rare form of dwarfism. This off course came as a bit of a shock to Clint and I, we knew that he was going to smaller than the other boys, but we didn't know he had dwarfism. We know that he is going to have some challenges, but we feel so blessed that we are able to have him has a healthy boy! He has come so far!!
This past Sunday, we off course were running late for church, and the message was so timely, that God is Bigger than our problems, which is so true, I feel so much peace and so grateful for Hudson I know that God has BIG Plans for him, and he has been such a blessing in our life and I know in the many lives around him.
As I find out more on his new diagnosis, I will post more, as of now we go and down to TCH in March to meet with the team of Doctors that specialize in dyspepsia