Costner and Brooks had their last spring show last week at First Baptist Academy. Costner and Brooks started going there for mothers day out and then Costner for preschool and they had grade school so that is where Costner has been going to school for Kindergarten as well. This year the school decided that this would be their last year to have 1st thru 4Th grade, we were very disappointed since we had been there for so many years, and were planning on keeping all the boys there. When Clint and I found out we thought that maybe it would be time for us to move to a better school district, (Montgomery or Magnolia) and go ahead and put the boys in public school. So we started looking for houses and thinking of things that we needed to do to get our house ready to sale. As we began to start looking online and driving around looking at different neighborhoods, and then looking at different public schools, Clint and I started to not have a peace about moving. I know that I was a little disappointed about not getting a larger house and having some acreage for the boys, but after Clint I decided that it just wasn't the right time for us to move and that we still wanted the boys to go to private school, I felt so much peace and knew that we had made the right decision. After we made the decision of staying I realized all the things we would be missing by moving, our Wonderful neighbors that our like family to us, and how much all of them feel like home to us, and how much I love that they are all so much a big part in my boys life! When Clint is gone I know that I can go to anyone of them and they would be more than willing to help out with anything. They are more like another set of Grandma and Grandpa's and Aunt's and Uncles than neighbors to our boys and I would hate to leave them.
After we had decided to stay at our house it was time to find a new school for the boys. So in February we began touring a few in the area we decided on Lifestyle Christian School. After filling out our application, we had our interview with Costner today, and starting next year Costner will start 1st grade and Brooks will start all day Pre-K at Lifestyle the boys are very excited and though we are sad to leave First Baptist Academy we look forward to our new adventure at our new school.
Costner with his teacher Mrs. Anderson, who we are going to miss so much she has worked so hard with Costner

We were so proud of Brooks the past few years during programs he has always cried or just sat there, this year he was really getting into it, in fact at one part he was the loudest one, we were so proud!

And off course this one Clint was out of town...